The AfriFOODlinks project lead by Iclei AFRICA is calling for young food enthusiasts currently living in Milan and Lisbon.
Continue readingGARDEN: Greener agrofood logistics in the Mediterranean area
Just returned from the third Steering Committee meeting in Varna (Bulgaria), on the shores of the Black Sea, of the European project GARDEN: Interreg Euro-Med: Greener agrofood logistics in the Mediterranean area.
Continue readingEStà docente per il Green Innovation Lab di UNISG
EStà ha coperto il ruolo di docente per il Green Innovation Lab dell’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo.
Continue readingEnrollment open for Hybrid Master’s in Local Food Policy.
Learn how to create impactful policies that foster sustainability—apply now and study with us!
Continue readingEStà at CFS, 52th Committee on World Food Security
CFS Committee on world food security was a great exchange with key actors of the global food system on social protection, decent work and the role of cities.
Continue readingNuovo food hub in Cascina Cuccagna
Inaugurato il nuovo Food Hub Cuccagna, Municipio 4 a Milano! Perchè il cibo possa essere sinonimo di dignità per tutte le persone.
Continue readingEStà collabora con UNISG: Parte il Master in Local Food Policy
EStà presenta una serie di strumenti utili a calcolare l’impronta carbonica delle Organizzazioni Non Profit.
Continue readingGARDEN project partnership meets in Valencia
EStà takes part in project meeting in Valencia
Continue readingEStà participates in AESOP panel on food systems multilevel governance
EStà partecipa al panel di AESOP dedicato alla governance multilivello dei sistemi alimentari
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