EStà participates in AESOP panel on food systems multilevel governance
20 Giugno 2024

The XI AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference asks how sustainable food planning can become more embedded into socially innovative and transformative movements. How can we strategically support the multiple communities imagining alternative futures? How can we mobilize around the sustainable transformation of food systems? How can we start from the farmers’ perspectives in that endeavour? What can design contribute?

Bridging City-Region with Multi-Level Governance for Food System Transformation: a Research-Policy-Practice dialogue
Day/Time: Thursday June 20th h13,30-15,00
Discussion Topics:
- Building supportive policy frameworks for just and sustainable food systems at the European level.
- Advocacy and movement building for food system and policy change.
- Enabling governance mechanisms that strengthen communication and collaboration among different levels, with particular attention to the role of city-regions.
Invited Panellists:
- Olaf Heidelbach from DG AGRI, EU Commission
- Joke Schauvliege, NAT Rapporteur on Sustainable Food Systems Framework Law
- Wim Moyaert from European Coordination Via Campesina
- Madeleine Coste from EUROCITIES
- Andrea Calori from Està and the Italian Network on Urban Food Policies (RPLC – Rete politiche locali del cibo)
Organizers: Roxana Triboi, Alessandra Manganelli, and Henk Renting
Location: in presence (Herman Teirlinck Building, Havenlaan 88, 1000 Brussels (Tour & Taxis) Room: 00.11 Auditorium)