Food and catering public procurement Milano Ristorazione is a public company created and 99% owned by the Municipality of Milan. Milano Ristorazione prepares and distributes 80,000 meals a day (more than 17 million per year) to nurseries, kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, retirement homes, disability care centers and “meals on wheels” services of the Municipality of Milan. Together with ActionAid Italia and Milano Ristorazione, EStà in 2015 provided a policy oriented research connected to public procurement of healthy, sustainable and organic food in schools, analyzing the impact of the company strategy on a urban food policy. In terms of the sustainability of its work Milano Ristorazione replaced plastic tableware with a biodegradable and compostable alternative (that saves 240,000 kg plastic a year), facilitates the procurement of local products in its public tenders (privileging quality over price in a 70:30 ratio, mainly organic rice, vegetables, fruit and cheese from local production) and serves Fair Trade products. ActionAid Italia develped the “io mangio giusto!” program, based on EStà research. It teaches children the right way to eat, serving them organic and healthy food in school canteens.